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WordPress Hosting

Wp Hosting 1

Hosting Tailored For WordPress


Per Month

Wp Hosting 2

Hosting Tailored For WordPress


Per Month

Wp Hosting 3

Hosting Tailored For WordPress


Per Month

Wp Hosting 4

Hosting Tailored For WordPress


Per Month

Some Stats About WordPress

1. WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet. (W3Techs, 2022)

According to data from W3Techs, WordPress is used by 43.2% of all websites on the internet in 2022. This is an increase from 39.5% in 2021. That means that two out of every five websites use WordPress.

2. WordPress usage has increased an average of 12% per year since 2011. (W3Techs, 2022)

W3Techs has tracked the usage of WordPress and other content management systems since January 2011. In 2011, WordPress was used by 13.1% of websites. Since then, WordPress usage has increased 12% per year on average, bringing its total to 43.2% in 2022.

3. WordPress is used by 65.2% of all websites using a content management system. (W3Techs, 2022)

WordPress is used by 65.2% of all websites using a CMS, which is a huge market share. The second most popular CMS — Shopify — has a market share of 6.6%. Wix, Squarespace, and Joomla are next, with 2.8%, 2.7%, and 2.6% market shares, respectively.

How To Choose A WordPress Hosting Package:

when it comes down to choosing the correct hosting for your wordpress website its always a tough decision. here are some questions to ask your self:

1:  What kind of wordpress website will you need hosting for? (Blog, Online Presence, Ecommerce.).

2. How much disk space is needed for your wordpress website?.

3. How many email accounts is neede?( do you need 1 for your self? or 10 for you and your collegues?).

4. How many wordpress websites will you need to host? if its more then one then you need a hosting package that allows add one domains (i.e Wp Hosting 2).

5. How many ftp accounts is needed for your wordpress account? are you going to be uploading images via an ftp client such as FileZilla or CuteFtp?.

By Asking yourself these simple 5 questions you can make a decision on which wordpress hosting package you need. All our wordpress hosting packages has an auto install wordpress function the moment you sign up . no need to install via Cpanel